Late shot

Melodys gruffalo obsession is increasing! She wants to watch it or read it or play with him constantly and that's making her want it more! Like me she's an all or nothing kind of girl!

Work was great - worked til 6 and finished break even budgets :) just not happy reading :(

I've been wearing contacts since the party - and suddenly today they are killing!! My eyes are all photophobic and hardly open - driving to work was a hideous nightmare - once there it was ok but really hurting whilst I'm writing this

Chips for dinner - meant to be Chinese but they were closed again - so I was psyched for not cooking then couldn't face having too! Melody was happy when I walked in with them!

Melody continues this week to be a real cling on! She was great on this front but suddenly become so clingy.. I love the cuddles but wonder what's caused it

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