Onwards and upwards....

By Yana1

2637. Luminar Neo

I ordered a copy of Luminar Neo back in December 2021 and finally received the software in late February 2022 after a bit of a delay.

I have to admit that I haven't used it much as I haven't been using anything other than my phone to take most of my photos.

I couldn't sleep at all last night so I got up at about 2am and decided to sort out a few of my photos from our holiday.  It took me hours to get them all sorted into dates etc. so I decided to try and edit a few of them using Luminar Neo.  I think that using this software and also publishing photos edited using it is very important just now as it's a Ukraine-based company.  They put out a notice recently on Social Media saying that updates to the software might be delayed as their base in Ukraine had been damaged and they were concerned for their staff.  Every single person who responded to their posts said, it's not important, staff are far more valuable, updates can wait.  I do hope they survive in every sense of the word because this software is awesome.  I don't edit my photos that much but occasionally (as with this one of the Capilano Bridge in Vancouver) they are flat, bland and just a bit grey with no opportunity to go back and take them again!  I have probably edited this one a little too much for me but I thought I'd push the software to my limit to see if it could rescue what was an absolutely terrible image!  I had to remove some people from the bridge itself, which looks ok (not perfect but I'd probably have to revert to Photoshop for the best result) and replace the sky which was just a grey flat mass.  The software has a number of AI processes which quickly analyse the image and suggest changes, some dramatic, others much more subtle.  I also re-edited the Harris Hawk I posted here whilst I was away and I've added that in extras.

If you're looking for something simple but effective to edit photos (and in some cases make them look spectacular) then Luminar Neo is a great bit of software.  I can't recall how much it was but I think it's around the £60 mark which is so much cheaper than subscribing to Adobe!

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