Quail Family

My Dear Princess and Dear Friends,

This is the best I have been able to do with capturing the seven quails (mummy, daddy and five chicks) who visit us regularly.

They are so nervy that if I move just a little to take their picture they are off! All of them! 

I do not know how quails work. Will they split up when the chicks reach maturity? I hope not. I love seeing them all puttering around together. 

I had a pretty nice day today. Corrie said lots of nice things to me about my support of her lately. And the project team I will be moving to next month seems nice. Apparently they are really glad they've got me. Meanwhile ANOTHER team have been head-hunting me - not for an IT job but as a facilities advisor. 

I was severely tempted. I love the idea of being completely out of IT altogether and working with people like Sam and Losi all the time in setting up new offices. 

I called Shenée for her advice. 

"F*** NO!" she told me.

She doesn't hold back. 

She told me the Facilities Team is extremely dysfunctional and toxic and lots of other scary adjectives. "So unless the money is GREAT, don't do it," she advised.

I checked. The money is not great.

But it was exciting for an hour or so. And it is always nice to be wanted. 

Still, I wish I had a better picture of those quail.


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