Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

A well deserved treat

One problem with recovering from pneumonia is the exhaustion that is still plaguing me months later. I am trying to build up my stamina slowly.

One way I'm doing this is cycling. I finally got my ebike loan through at Christmas and I am eternally grateful. I can't walk as far as I can cycle and I wouldn't be able to cycle a normal bike as I'm using the ebike on high assist. It's not far but I am getting out.

The route I have been using is the flatter but longer route I could get to work on. It starts with a hill and at the top of the hill there is a doughnut shop. This is very good motivation to get there. I also get a sit down and a rest before heading home.

Today I splashed out and treated myself. A bourbon biscuit doughnut, biscoff ice cream, chocolate sauce and honeycomb sprinkles... And did I mention it's all entirely vegan!

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