Polly's Pictures

By PollyH


Beautiful sunshine for Green Gym.
We were supposed to be l;aying wild flower turf on the butterfly bank at Linford Lakes, but the delivery was delayed.  They tried to bring the consignment yesterday in a large articulated lorry and then wanted a fork lift truck to unload the pallets. Nature reserves don't have fork lifts.  Consignment taken back to depot to be transferred to a smaller better equipped lorry and early morning re delivery promised.  After numerous phone calls by the Parks Trust representative, delivery was rescheduled for 1pm, an hour after we left.  He was getting togther a band of other volunteers to do the job.  Pity, because we were looking forward to it as we had done quite a lot of preparation work on previous visits.
We found other small activities and enjoyed the social chit chat listening to the birds.
Blipping may be a bit spasmodic as I am off to Yorkshire tomorrow to help my sister celebrate her 90th birthday.  I will be using my phone if I have time to think about photos.  She and her husband have lots planned as usual.  They work to strict timetables!

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