I've had such a exciting day...... Not. I dropped some form's into town and bought a couple of spice rack holders when I was there and some little organisation basket's for my food cupboard. Oh the joys. Hahaha. But hey things look more organised.
I did a couple of loads of ironing when the Jedi slept. I know how to party ;-).
I had a lovely afternoon with Carson. We played with his toot toot setup, sung some song's, he's bounced on his trampoline loads today. And on my bed when I was putting the laundry away.
All three bigger ones had a good day at school and nursery.
Lincoln is obviously tired as his emotions come belting out full speed. But he was rude to his siblings so I've put him on a technology ban all tonight and tomorrow morning. I told my blipper friend PandieB that I'm putting him in the bin. I don't do bratty behaviour.
So blip has a photo of googly eyes today. It was either that or another one of the Jedi. The big ones don't want a photo taken. The boys have got to do a Easter egg decoration for school with the theme being ' celebration' so they have been coming up with ideas. They can start a little tonight if we have time after they have been bathed.
My extra is of the spice rack as I know you would all be dying to see it ;-) . Forty spices all neatly away over two rack's.
Roll on tomorrow night. I need wine. And the bonus is I get a quiet night as Mr R is going out .
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