Bent over
This is the shepherds hook where I had the suet feeder for the birds. Not only did something bend it down..mostly likely a raccoon... it also stole the metal suet holder. This is the third feeder that was stolen. I am sure it has been carried into the woods behind the house but I doubt I would be able to find it. We need to come up with a different way to hold the feeders.
A damp rainy morning here. Nell and I really lucked up in dodging rain yesterday.
In the extras are the other lighthouses we saw. Only one that we saw, Sullivan’s Island light is worked by the US Coast Guard. A second working light is to the north at Georgetown but requires a boat ride as well as a few others along the north coast. This trip is on my list!
In the extras
Harbor Town
Hunting Island. I have climbed this one but it is now closed for repairs
Morris Island.. which was once on land South of Charleston but is now on a sandbar. It can only be viewed by boat or from the beach at the end of Folly Beach.
Also a collage of the walk up Tybee Lighthouse. Nell is standing down among the trees and grass in one photo.
now sits offshore. It is not accessible for viewing except from
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