Llen Machlud
Llen Machlud ~ Sunset Veil
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Cerddon ni i'r siopau yn y pentref ac yn mynd i siop goffi hefyd. Roedden nhw wedi cael pedwar cacen ar hanner pris, felly prynon ni holl ohonyn nhw (jyst i helpu'r siop wrth gwrs). Cerddon ni adref, yn llawn o gacen, tra roedd yr haul yn machlud trwy len yr helyg wrth y nant.
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We walked to the shops in the village and went to a coffee shop as well. They had four cakes at half price, so we bought all of them (just to help the shop of course). We walked home, full of cake, while the sun set through the willow curtain by the stream.
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