Big dig

Actually, I’m in Madrid, having arrived here mid afternoon in time for a meeting plus an evening reception where we met many of the other people attending the conference/networking event we’re here for.

But I’ve not had a chance to take any photographs, and we are not in the centre of Madrid, and we’ve so far headed around by taxi, so my blip is one of the hole in the ground that has appeared in front of the balcony. I believe Mr A blipped this some time last week, but there has been more digging out since then. One of our dear neighbours put a note on the building website asking what this was all about, and would we have to pay for it (subtext it couldn’t possibly be necessary). In fact, as we could see before the bottom of the near side trench was full of water. I’ve no idea where this is coming from although there appears to be a pipe which runs through the trench, which is perhaps a drainage line from the courtyard. I recall when we first arrived at the development more than 15 years ago, there was some digging out of that trench, as it had “ponding issues”, and it still seems not right. Perhaps this will finally solve the problem. I’ve no idea where the water that is in the trench ends up, but perhaps it is damaging the foundations of the building. Ugh.

Anyway, I had a busy time before leaving for the airport, with various bits and pieces that needed to be accomplished. It was stressful packing to travel. I just don’t know how to do it any more. 

The flight was smooth. The one wrinkle was discovering that one of our colleagues had not completed his Spanish health form process before leaving for the airport, but he managed to complete it and get his QR code on his phone so there were no delays when we arrived. As we were a little late arriving, we had to go straight to the meeting place, taking our luggage. The contrast between the three of us was quite funny. I had what I regarded as a normal amount for a two day trip. My back pack with laptop and ipad, etc. plus a small roller case, which went in the overhead locker (and which was pretty empty). One colleague had just a tiny backpack, which apparently contained *everything* (well, he certainly had his laptop). My other colleague had an enormous roller case which she had checked in, plus a smaller roller case like mine, which went in the overhead locker. There was a lot of teasing….

Compared to all previous flights I’ve taken since the pandemic, this one was pretty full, but I’m told that air circulation in planes means that the risk is actually quite low. Probably less than the risk associated with the reception later on, where we all ripped off our masks, had finger food, drank wine and mingled. That was definitely a first since the pandemic. One or two people were evidently too nervous for the whole thing, left their masks on, eschewed the food and drink, and left early. Perfectly understandable.

After that, it was another taxi to the hotel, and a flop into bed. Weary. Luckily the hotel is literally next door to the meeting venue for tomorrow, so there will be zero need to travel in the morning.

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