It's A Minute To Midnight

By Draco

Spot The Fake!

Apologies.....Night worker problems again as its my first day of my weekend and still didnt sleep last night. Felt totally miserable my partner bless him let me sleep on the sofa for 4 hours this afternoon.....As soon as I had my sleep I woke up feeling much better and so we decided to go out for a chinese meal.

However...because of earlier I had no inclination for a blip and so left it till we got home to think of something.
The change we had been given consisted of these £1 coins.....Er yes it doesnt take much to spot the fake one does it??
So this is tonights emergency blip!
Keep your fingers crossed I sleep tonight.
I really hope I do or Ill go mad soon.
Goodnight Blippers
Draco x

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