I love cooking with fresh herbs
The golden marjoram is looking fresh & healthy. I need to find it a nice terracotta pot to live in.
Had a lovely long catch up over coffee with Enid who I visited today. A lady I worked with at Coca Cola 50 years, so you can imagine we had a lot to chat about. What I did'nt know, or remember, was that her father was a conscientious objector, so fled to Paraguay with his family where they lived for many years, then moved to North America, eventually returning to England.
I sowed lots of Sweet pea seeds in pots this afternoon. I want to grow a row of them this year. Last year I grow them up a wigwam, not so easy to train or pick from. I harvested seed from a neighbours dying plants last Autumn so fingers crossed will have lots to pick & give away. Mum loves sweet peas. :-) Who does'nt??
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