
By Kaysha

Iron (Wo)Man

Hardcore Iron Man fans, look away now.

Little D is not one to be outdone in the dressing up stakes. With his sister donning her ball gown for an afternoon play session with Rudi and Erica, Little D couldn't decide whether to go all macho or get in touch with his feminine side. He decided on a half Iron Man / half ballerina combo. Rather fetching it was too.

A pee of note today - it was Little D's first standing pee. I can only begin to imagine the fun he will now have aiming in all sorts of directions. Heaven help us. I also took the leap of taking him out of night time nappies a couple of weeks ago and he's doing brilliantly. Is it possible to toilet blossom?! If so, then he most definitely is!

Miss A is also showing her more mature side. Rather than watching CBeebies whilst having breakfast, she now much prefers re-runs of Ugly Betty. A fashionista in the making, for sure.

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