The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

On TV with Jane McDonald

Someone at work asked me if I'd been in Whitby during the filming of Jane McDonald: my Yorkshire for Channel 5. She said she had seen me on the TV the previous night, standing in a queue outside a fish and chip cafe.
I agreed that it really was me, thanked her for telling me it had been broadcast, and went home to watch it! I'm the one in the purple jacket behind Jane. D is the one who looks like Father Christmas.

Yes, last October, while on holiday with D in Scarborough, we really did go to Whitby and see Jane McDonald and her film crew outside our chosen fish restaurant. Jane was remarkably down to earth, and I took to her straight away. I'd never watched any of her programmes so I'm not even sure how i recognized her.

On the same day, we also took a boat trip outside the harbour, out to sea, and were lucky enough to see dolphins leaping on either side of the boat. I'd attempted dolphin watching before, in Bahrain, but never seen anything half as good as this.

All in all, the day in Whitby was memorable. Dolphin-wise, the best day ever. I never wrote it up for blip, it lacked the perfect dolphin pic.

The rest of Monday was uneventful. Work is exhausting, and we have CoVid in our department again, meaning we were two staff down. 'Learming to live with CoVid" os going to be No Fun at All.

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