Life through my eyes

By Amanda_T

Pink flowers

I'm not sure what they are but they're pretty.  Weeping cherry maybe??

Thank you for all the good wishes for Mr T yesterday.  He's better today but his ribs are very tender.  He often "waves" his arms around in his sleep but can never explain why.  This morning he asked me what would happen if we couldn't get the handle to work.  Inquiries established the handle was the toilet door at the end of the block, but what about the car?  What if we couldn't lock it, and what about the stuff in there?  He told me he'd unpacked it to check what was there and put it back again (I guess the hand waving) but he couldn't lock it.  I told him seeing as I was up I'd go and have a look for him and if needed lock it.  He said oh thank you I've been worrying about that all night.

The Age UK chap was here this morning and said next time to call him as he would have come and helped yesterday.  I had a couple of online meetings this morning, one for the hospital carers strategy, and one for a new website and then a very welcome Mindful Life session.  Oh and applied for a blue badge for Mum to help Dad out.  I did manage a short walk too while David (Age UK) was here and that was very welcome!  

Now I'm just catching up.

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