What a contrast!

This photo is literally the only photo I took today. And what a laughable contrast from the photos of the last week & a half. I was just delighted to discover this evening that we have so much frogspawn this year!!

We were up before dawn in Bergen, Norway, rushed around and then left the boat. It was all so organised and there was loads of friendly help on hand everywhere. What an amazing cruise company.

So today, we travelled on a boat, on a coach, in a plane, on a train and finally in a car.

What did we miss? … a bicycle?

We got home this afternoon and it was great; lovely to see the 4 at home, plus the furry friends.

I still think it’s funny to blip our pond in the dark, after so many fabulous scenic photos. I guess I could point out that our Creator God’s majesty is seen in the tiny as well as the spectacular.

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