Richard’s book

It was sunny this morning so I walked down to the village to pick up the books I’d reserved, having decided not to go to Richard’s book launch in the pub on Saturday. (It’s really only of interest to people who know his dad and his chums, and tells tall tales of their poaching and other mischief.). Tom, Richard’s dad, is second from the right on the front cover.

I took the circular route to get more steps. No sooner had I got home than the surgery rang. The results of the sample I’d taken in a week ago were through, confirming I have an infection so can have antibiotics. It’s almost 3 weeks since I got the bug, but I waited almost 2 before going to the surgery, expecting it to get better, as you do. So I had to trek out again to pick up the prescription. At least there’s a reason for me feeling a bit puffed going up the hills!

I had a few good ideas for illustrating the chapter headings in my cook book so got on with that.

I booked tickets for the Lindisfarne Gospels coming to the Laing in September.

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