The day when

one does not wish to be . . . .Positive.
Certainly something I've not aspired too and have been SO good with masking up etc. But over the weekend I started sneezing - thought it was a cold coming due to being in a different house/different heating/different everything.  Today, as usual, I tested and got the double reds.  Aaargh.
Left the grands and headed home, so sadly no more catering treats for them. E is doing her mocks and I did not wish to expose her more than she has been already. Big brother said he'd drop her off close to school on his way to work which was one of the reasons she wanted me there -(Chauffeur) as well as chef and company.  I'm really sad as it is such fun spending time with them.  Hey Ho!
The virus is giving me sniffles and headache so far, so if that is all I will be delighted.
I was amazed to read on the NHS site that I did not need to self isolate, so could go shopping etc spreading virus everywhere! I will be staying home.

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