A jobs day

I spent the morning in the kitchen tidying, moving things about and preparing the Sunday roast, which we had at lunchtime today instead of the evening. Jon and Henry went to archery as usual, and we had coffee together at 11 when they got back, sitting in the conservatory. Now the heating is off, the conservatory doesn't seem that cold!! They both then took a full trailer of old kitchen stuff to the dump.

Dan came for dinner and afterwards, Henry and I tackled the large pile of branches that were filling mums patio area. Since the big fir tree had been dismantled and the hazel had been coppiced it made a mountain of stuff to be disposed of somehow. Dad always enjoyed chipping any small branches, and often did it with the boys when they were small. Today Henry did it, (I helped by dragging the wood to him, and separated out some larger pieces to season ready for next year's fire). He even managed to fix the chipper when it stopped working (it was a fuse). I gave up, accepting that the chipper had met its maker, and went to the allotment to finish some bits. But Henry didn't give up, and when I got back he had finished chipping the whole lot. He has some 'before' photos which I will share with mum, so that she knows how much he did of it, to ensure she could get out on to her patio next weekend when she comes up for the week. There is still loads to do in the garden, but we can do bits slowly. It looks a whole lot better!

Jon spent the afternoon feeding a long ethernet cable through from our hub into the bedroom nextdoor, so that I can work from there. I think it will help me feel more positive about work, as I will have a proper indoor space to work in. I do have one cable which isn't there but I've been in touch with my friend Lucy and she has one I can borrow. I'll go and pick it up tomorrow. I'm feeling positive about work now and it is because I know my 2 colleagues who have been off sick, are both going to be back at work, which is such good news. The thought of doing it on my own for any longer wasn't helping how I felt about the work.

I've had a lovely hot bath, and now I'm going to bed to read my book. I should sleep well tonight, as I feel shattered!

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