
By mcgoobs

Learning Curve

Madeleine and I in my room :)

This is an awful but valuable picture that I plan to use as a 'what not to do' for future reference. Regret nothing, learn from everything!

In hindsight it's obvious to me that the background is noisy and that my handbag is in the way etc etc etc - there are so many compositional issues. I need to really get out of the habit of being a snappy-go-lucky photographer and start really thinking before I press the shutter - not only what camera settings am I going to use, but is the composition good, is it straight, are there distracting background (or foreground!) features that need to be removed? I really should keep a mental checklist of these things.

I got into a really silly mood in the afternoon before this was taken. I got a mark back for a piece of work I'd done last term and really was quite shocked and unhappy with the result, even though it wasn't awful, because I knew I could have or should have done better. On top of that I'm stressed that I have failed at motivating myself for a large portion of the holidays and am annoyed at myself that I now have to juggle dissertation, a 5000 word essay and an interview in the first 2 weeks back.

Dancing with Maddie and Charlotte, however, really cleared my head and made everything much better :)

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