Here and Now

By Mole

Making Pierogis Day 2 of 2

Fresh snowfall overnight.

The dough went through the flattener twice then was cut into circles. Filling was put on top then folded and pinched closed. Everyone has their own way of pinching, so the edge designs are different. Then the pierogis are boiled, cooled with ice water, drained, and put on a large tray. Some are bagged straight away. Others get coated with butter or cooked chopped onions and butter. 12 to a bag. Different colored twist ties for each flavor. 224 dozen were made for sale. Get your order in early.

Extended families came to help pinch pierogis today. Two tables of homemade food - Irish stew, soup, soda bread, salad, cakes, and broken pierogis - were laid - a veritable feast. I tasted a couple of pierogis. Heavenly. Some customers picked up their orders. The rest will be delivered.

I was invited to join them for tomorrow’s Mass and birthday party for the March birthdays. The sheet cake had already arrived. I declined, but agreed to come back in two weeks for the next round of pierogi making.

The people are warm, welcoming, simple, and generous. I was sent home with several pierogis of each type and their grateful thanks.

Now I need to make our dinner.

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