Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Diet? What diet?

We both did our respective gym sessions. I added in cycling today, and did the scary bendy thing.  I can now put my hands behind my head. It’s called a back extension bench and looks a bit like this (TML was asking).

Archie went off with Elizabeth, but Pip had several round-the-block walks. I’ve done three of them, including one between the two rugby games this afternoon. In fact, my step count is off the MY scale today at 11,147 steps! I know it’s not much for most people, but it’s A LOT for me. And I’m paying for it - aches everywhere. But it must be doing me good…

I was inspired to do the extra exercise because I slipped up and had TWO chocolate biscuits with my coffee. And JR brought some Hot Cross Buns back and we scoffed all (4) of them. One bun isn’t quite enough, is it?

JR went into town to get a new watch strap, while Pip and I settled down to watch two games of rugby (though at one point, Pip seemed to be a bit bored, Extra). And what terrific games they were, with exciting tries and fantastic individual performances, and the right teams won.

We’re all watching Crufts this evening.

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