Blue Tits
A Public Announcement!
I have been waiting one week to see how it went.
I have high hopes for this one.
My baby female bluetit from early last year, when my horrid new neighbour who actually chainsawed into my garden vegetation destroying my bushes and cherry tree destroying birds nests and eggs, and has flown with my sparrows ever since (it was like they adopted and took care of her), has now found someone she is happy with.
I have been anxiously watching over her all year.
Earlier this year a male bluetit came in my garden making overtures to her, and she would have nothing to do with him. Sadly 3 days later, rebuffed and heartbroken, he left. I was heartbroken too. I had a Mama discussion with my little female bluetit. My little female bluetit was never going to find a partner. She was happy flying with the sparrow flock.
That is until a week ago.
She was feeding off the fatballs when in flew a male bluetit. And danced around her. She immediately lit up. And danced around him. Then they did the swirling flying dance in the air. And they have been doing that ever since. She is so happy, and so is he.
He is not as good looking (how shallow I am!) as the absolutely perfectly groomed bluetit that flew in earlier this year. He is untidy looking and scruffy. But when you fall in love, you fall in love.
I am over the moon with this.
They are doing their bluetit flying dance now.
Maybe Mama will have some bluetit grandchildren soon...
So guess what my creative is today...
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