
My Dear Princess and Dear Friends, 

A very quiet day today. This was because yesterday Caro told me she wanted a NOTHING weekend of NOTHING.

That's fine. I can do that. 

And so in the absence of news I shall catch you up on a couple of headlines from earlier in the week.

Thing One
Caro is on blip!

Well. Sort of. Not really. 

It's because Loulou dobbed me in and told Caro I talk about her a lot on here so she wanted to check it out for herself. But I'm not too concerned because she has literally read it just the once and cannot be arsed posting. But just so you know. She is out there. Follow her if you like.

Thing Two
We have a family of quails! This pair have produced FIVE chicks! As if my life could not get more like a Disney movie than it already is, they proudly parade their little chicks around the garden, chasing after mummy and daddy like five tubby little balls of wool with wings. 

And yes, they all have the little hats.

It makes our day for me and Caro every time we see them. "It's the quail! It's the quail!" we squeal and watch the little family walking along our fence and then plopping down into the garden. 

Thing Three
We found out Dr. Girlfriend's real name!

It is Brian. 

We are having difficulty processing this. She is CLEARLY a little girl. She's such a dainty little thing with such tiny paws and a little girl "meyew". 

She is NOT a Brian. 

Caro tried to adapt but I just can't do it. I have decided she is a trans cat with preferred pronouns of she/her. And I shall continue calling her Digi and telling her she is a pretty little girl. Because she is. 


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