
By SueV

A Taste of Things to Come?

A glint of watery sunshine through the trees, creatures moving around the wood - scuttling in the undergrowth and up and down trees. Birds of prey silently gliding above the canopy. Saw a couple of deer crossing the path behind me, waiting until I was gone. Every living thing in the wood is starting to be much more active today. The birds sound different this morning.

Yan never seems to give all this action much thought. It is all focus on the ball or the sound of distant dogs - marauding wolves? She is a German Shepherd Dog and she would make a great shepherd - good with sheep but likes to keep them in line and just let any of those wolves nearby and they will get a hiding.

German Shepherds (GSD) and Alsations are one and the same. Its just that they were renamed when we were at war with the Germans - as it was considered unpatriotic.

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