Out of Focus But On The Way Home

After yesterday's drama as regards the gas leak I checked my work e-mail to find out if it was safe to go back to work today and it was (boo - it would have been great to have the day off!). What I was slightly unprepared for was that all of the road outside work had been excavated to reach the vital service pipework and it had taken over five hours to sort out the problem.
Apparently, it was an undiscovered leak that may have been releasing gas for years but which had been made worse by all the construction work on the nearby renovation of the hotel opposite. So that was a bit of a startling update on what we were told yesterday.
Today's shot was taken from my train window on the way home. I was so tired and weary but the light was spectacular so I tried to capture the woozy, out of focus feel of the last journey home of the week.
One of my joys of a hard week was discovering a track by Lanu called Beautiful Trash (featuring Megan Washington). It's over ten years old but I came across it by chance on You Tube and I'm obsessed. It has a wonderful cartoony video to go with it and I love it. A small thing but so uplifting.

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