
By JeriSimpson1986

New day!

This morning I headed out bright and early for a 3 hour run/hike, I split it 6 minutes running 4 walking and managed 13.6 miles…not to shabby! Can’t use it in my ultra races as a strategy though as it falls short of my 5mph aim!

Glad to be covid free still to watch the sunrise in nature and hear the birds. I didn’t see any deer in the nature reserve today, but did see cows, sheep and a squirrel with his haul!

In home news, both Theo and Mal are faring well with their lurgy, bouncing round the house most of the morning, and only really slowing down this after! Mal has been set school work which is happily cracking on with and Theo feels he has dodged a bullet as he has had nothing from his teacher….yet!

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