The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Labour Party Office shows its colours

Busy day. I work so hard to keep the private kids entertained, and they still tell me that they hate me and they're going to chop my head off. Charming. Childhood has changed a bit since I was growing up in the 1960s.

About ten days ago I handed in my notice at nursery and private childcare, as I'm starting a new job in May, still in Stroud, but not in the childcare sector. This is subject, of course, to my references proving satisfactory, so maybe I should have waited....

This building was snapped on my way back to town after childcare, before market set up. I usually go to have a hot chocolate during the awkward gap. Today I had a mindful walk around town, and a mindful hot chocolate, and after the stall set up, I went home and made a forced rhubarb crumble, mindfully. (In case you're wondering, I went to virtual event about mindfulness last Saturday).

I also listened to Ukrainecast on BBC sounds, as I walked around town on my first journey to work. That's a different kind of mind-function, and a painful one. I notice I have stopped watching the news, and only listen to news bulletins and podcasts instead. Then I don't see the horrors with my own eyes.

Indie the cat can now use the cat flap to get both in and out of the house independently. She probably could have done that all along, once her microchip had been registered with the catflap(!) but we didn't trust her. She never seems to stay outside for very long, being terrified of the other cats in the neighbourhood. We were told she is competitive with other cats. Outside, however, she is a scaredy cat. It's good to have a change from fighting toms!

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