Thank You For the Days ..

By Fyael

Shreds And Patches

Woke from a weird dream in which I was trying to climb down the inside of a church tower - but the bells were in the way.
Wordle in 3! 

Then to Hawick to the dentist. My teeth are fine but I have 'a wee gumboil'. It's either extraction, root canal or ignore for now (it's not sore, so no prizes for guessing which I chose, and he agreed. 

Met TM and we went to the Damascus Drum for coffee and a browse. And cake, of course. (That's where I took the picture. They sell books and rugs as well as coffee).

Walked for an hour in Wilton Park, the rookery was very busy, and noisy.

Home for lunch, read a bit, mended an old quilt - the first one I made, which is gently disintegrating now.
Got out the current project and did an hour of hand-quilting while listening to the day's news on PM. More horrors, talks that went nowhere, many opinions but none of them suggesting a positive outcome for Ukraine. 

Potato scones and poached eggs for supper, then a bit of blip catching up and photo farknagling (is that how you spell it?), interspersed with watching videos of the dances on tomorrow evening's programme. I'm really quite apprehensive about it all .... 

And that was today.

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