Its the Way It Is

By Jeano


for Abstract Thursday

How you see the world, in other words your perspective, tells a lot about you.

E.g. if you gaze upon a set of jump leads, you could think

A). Damn my battery is flat


B). Oh isn’t it great, I own my own set of jump leads

HaHa. you can guess if I am an A or a B

The following are random musings of mine

Our President, Michael Dee and his wife Sabina both have the ‘rona . I wish them both a speedy recovery

The family of any frontline health worker who died from Covid will be given €100,000

The war in Ukraine rages on and the photos coming out are harrowing. I remain hopeful that good sense will prevail and things will be resolved. I wish there were more women around the negotiating table.

I have today off college and it’s 3.30 and apart from a cold swim, I am on the doss. Actually no, tell a lie. I have been trying to jump start HJ’s 2004 Almera.

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