Indoor Tulip Blip....!!

Yes decided it would an indoor Blip today these tulips are not too far from ‘going over’ as they are there a week or more now..!! I love the way the bright white of the reflecting sunlight shows them up too...!! And despite it thankfully, being another bright sunny day (bitterly cold)...we won’t complain as anything would be better than yesterday..!!

And anyway we have absolutely Nothing to complain about as the situation today in Ukraine worsens dramatically for ordinary civilians.....a striking scene on Sky News this morning for me was a young chap (about 11yrs) been bandaged and helped by a chap in full army gear and lookin no older than a couple more years than the young lad he was helping......!!
The soldiers just children themselves...!
And also the bad news of a diplomatic meeting between the two sides coming to absolutely nothing this morning...and in fact sounded from the reporting that it might just ‘worsen’ things..!
We await everyday now ‘heart in mouth’ for further developments and just Keep Praying...
There has been a huge outpouring of support for Ukraine here in Ireland...millions of Euros raised ...a 25 convoy of trucks sent out with supplies and so far 10,000 people pledging accommodation for refugee families.....proof there is always more good than bad...!!
Love ..light ..peace & prayers...
Annie xx

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