midwife crisis

By lulubelle

A slice and ice?

Walked with Hubs and Ali along part of the Waituna Track in fantastic sunshine. The more we walk the more we want to walk! It was good to chat and get to know Ali more. He has just offered us to house sit his fab pad for 6 weeks while he goes to London. Between Mike and I we could deal with 3 big dogs, 1 kitten, 1 cow, 12 sheep and a load of chooks, ducks and geese, 20 acres of pasture and a vast permaculture garden (including lemon trees)......I think? After several rounds of yes/no/yes/no we came to conclusion that Mike will go home to Ireland, pack up the house on his own, move to the new house and then come back out - how marvellous I thought! The guilt was way too much and I could only go with this plan for about 12 hrs, that just would be too unfair!
Also my resignation has been accepted by the Palace of Fun. Thats it, no going back to the maternity hospital, it will be self employed community midwifery for me. Mixed emotions,, but absolutely no regrets......yet!
Thoroughly enjoyed 'Searching for the Sugarman' at the movies. Utterly amazing true story, fantastic music and a truly humble and inspiring man.

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