Born In The USA?
And resident in Scotland?
Every few years my California Girl visits the Offices of the American Consulate General to deal with matters concerning the issue of her passport, or to have a document notarised.
The consulate building is located in Regent Terrace Edinburgh. She was visiting the office in No 3, however the ACG apparently occupies the first five town houses in the terrace (judging by the very serious bollards shutting off the road in front of the building. Apparently, this has been the case since "9/11".
The appointment had been made a few weeks back.
We stayed with Mr and Mrs Dog overnight and drove to the Consulate. Driving in Edinburgh has become something of an adventure, with obstacles such as roadworks and double parked delivery vehicles.
Road Lane markings and arrows have virtually worn away during the pandemic, and delivery vans obscure road signs.
However, we arrived in plenty of time, and I watched Pat as she went through the process of gaining admission.
While I she was inside I walked up and down Regent Terrace looking at the several other consulates belonging to other countries. I also noted the number of diplomatic vehicles parked in curious places.
The thumbnail shows a rather prominent security camera just behind the Stars and Stripes.
The consulates overlook the Scottish Parliament Building (see extra). The consulates face South which made photographing north into the low sun, very difficult.
I was walking around minding my own business when a rather large poodle rushed up to me dragging its Irish Lady owner behind.
She apologised profusely saying that the very excited pooch was mistaking me for her husband. It was only when I removed my mask that the dog immediately quietened down and lost all interest in me.
I wonder if it was a sophisticated CIA plot to have me show my face?
Pat was eventually released, her business concluded.
We breakfasted with Mr and Mrs Dog and lunched at the Botanics Gardens.
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