Tiny Still Life

The light on these wildflowers next to a rock was nice, and I always like little natural still lives like this. Usually he is charging around so fast that he is just a blur, but I managed to catch a very characteristic picture of Spike in action in the big open meadow on our walk this morning. It's in extras.

It is quite extraordinary to see the floor joists and the framing for the entire first story of the house on one side of us go up in just one day today. It must be pretty cheering for Janet and Paul to see more visual progress in a day on their new house than they have seen since the fire.

On the other side they are STILL moving dirt around. The foundations are in and they appear to be putting back the dirt they put in an enormous mound. They have definitely redefined the entire space on which their house formerly stood, moved the new one closer to the edge of the cliff and shored everything up with rocks and boulders and dirt they moved out of the way in order to build the new foundations. 

I heard an interesting podcast today and have been thinking ever since about the idea  that personal narrative and stories do more to form our opinions than official  'information' and 'opinion'. I wonder if  that is why the war in Ukraine seems so immediate to us. We are watching it unfold before our eyes in real time on television. Maybe that is also what contributes to  'news fatigue.' How long can one go on helplessly watching these heartbreaking scenes unfold? 

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