
By DramaQueen

Watch this space

Mr A sold his Alfa Spider today.

He’s toyed with the idea for a while, simply because he’s not used it as much as he thought he would and that’s not good for a diesel car.

There have been the usual messers; one woman in particular grumbled that it didn’t have the original floor mats. It’s 15 years old for goodness sake!!

It was a given in my books that the guy today would buy it; he took a 7 hour train ride from Devon to come and view it.
Mr A had sent him loads of photos and even FaceTimed him at the weekend to do a live ‘tour’ round the car, especially to show the roof in full working order.

I’ve not seen the floor of the garage for a loooooooooong time, so thought I’d blip it as no doubt Mr A will have his eye on a replacement mode of transport soon ;-)

DQ x

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