
Splendid sunshine today but still that fresh breeze.  Managed to get washing dry.
Cycled to wholefood warehouse near me with list of wants and came away without them but plenty of other items. 

The crocuses were in full flower today.
I had an e-card from a family friend for International Women's Day - a first.

Watched President Zelensky's broadcast to the House of Commons this afternoon.  Looked like priti pathetic was sneering.  Then in PM Radio 4, heard her backtracking on the present tense - existing office to issue visas to Ukrainian refugees to future tense - there will exist.  No doubt in the fullness of pp's concept of urgency.  

There's a map circulating on social media. Europe and Ireland ringed in blue for nations offering free visas to Ukrainian refugees.  UK and northern Ireland are in red for no go.  Shameful.

Stay safe all.

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