Day Today

By Feathers14

Another Lesson Learned

I attempted some street photography today. I've been inspired by Passerby's Blip journal recently, and I have a lot of respect for street photography and street photographers.

Today was a nice day - Jess (someone who I've known since she was born) came over as her Mum was in a business meeting for a few hours. We headed down to the painfully beautiful town of Lewes for a wander and a meal in the fantastic restaurant Bill's. If you're ever in Lewes I highly recommend eating there and checking it out.

After the walk around Lewes (and a few failed attempts at street photography) we headed home to watch 'The Proposal' featuring Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds. Wasn't paying complete attention but seems like a standard Hollywood chick-flick/Rom-Com... Let's just say that I don't endorse it or recommend it as highly as I do Bill's :P



To the picture: I struggled for a while trying to straighten it. First the top of the shop sign didn't align, then the pavement was wonky. It only dawned on me after a few attempts that when I took the photo, I wasn't perpendicular to the line of shops opposite. It's a shame as I think it would have looked more regimented and nicer in this instance. Also 1/160 wasn't fast enough as there's a little motion blur on the feet. The composition is so-so. Nothing special; I kinda like how they're peering in to the storefront, though.

Lessons learned: Shoot perpendicular to storefronts - faster shutter speed

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