Sitting pretty
Even though the berries this American Robin is eating are invasive (Asian bittersweet) they provided a beautiful backdrop for the robin this afternoon. The light was perfect with overcast skies and the trees are still bare of leaves so the berries really stand out. All in all, I'm quite pleased with this even though it's fairly heavily cropped. And I was aided in the process by my faithful companion, Jax. We were hanging out on the deck together enjoying the beautiful weather after our walk.
Since it was so wonderfully warm this morning, I decided to take Jax for a walk on a new trail. Not new to me, but new to him. I picked it because it goes through woods and wetlands and also because it is almost always in use. This is the time of year when one is more likely to encounter bears on the trails, and bears in the spring tend to be grouchy, so... a trail with a fair amount of foot traffic is a better trail. Jax was remarkably well behaved except when we encountered two dogs at which point he attempted to become airborne, He really doesn't understand that not every dog wants to become his new best friend. He was better with the people, allowing me to put him in a sit. And almost no tugging today. Yay.
I had a wonderful phone catch-up with Osuzanna this afernoon. It was great to hear her voice and to catch up on life. And, she also helped me with some things on the Mac and LR. If you don't know her, please check out her journal - a wonderful photographer and an even more wonderful person.
Tonight I'm off to get my bone density test, ordered by my oncologist. Won't get the results right away, but at least I'll get the test done. It's a quick and easy one.
Dark with sea salt and caramel today - 2 squares.
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