Mostly Six Five Oh

By nhc

Naboo hanging out


While out for a stroll around Redwood Shores I met a man being taken for walk by a young cat.  Naturally, I stopped to chat with him.  The cat was a foundling (along with her sister who didn't survive) that he and his wife had nursed her back to health and had socialized her with the help of their 3 dogs.  They'd never had a cat before, he said it was the same, but different.  The kitten (now 8 months old) is accustomed and enjoys riding in the car, going out for walks, and running rings around the 3 dogs - the oldest of which is 13 (3 legs, cancer, not sure how much longer...) who had been instrumental in the care of the cat when tiny and they are very bonded.  He said he walks the cat separately to the dogs, too complicated all together.  I had comical visions of them all!  I asked about the harness and if it had been tricky to introduce, he explained that because they'd had the kitten swaddled when sick, ever since the cat had quite liked having something on her person, so they introduced the harness early, firstly just around the house, and she was totally cool with it.  The cat has brought so much fun to them all, he said he and his wife don't have children but feel all the animals are their children.

It was a restorative and heartwarming conversation.  Hope I see him and the cat, and perhaps with the dogs, again!

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