How Rude!

I was sitting with a kerb right behind me and about to move off (with indicators going) when this moron did this, got out (drinking his take-away coffee) and with a smile on his face walked into the shop.
I got out and took the picture and was about to go and physically drag him out of the shop when he reappeared. Without saying anything he got in , reversed back onto the road (without checking behind) and drove off ... for about 100 yds where he suddenly stopped again. When I passed him he did a U-turn without bothering to give way to the van coming the other way.

When I got home after doing the meal deliveries SWMBO told me that she had an emergency dental appointment mid afternoon to see about the pain she has been getting.
She doesn't take well to anaesthetics so I had to take her up in case she got an injection or two.
Of course I got bored sitting outside in the car - as you can see with the 4 pictures Here.
When she came out she told me that she had an x-ray taken ...... and there is nothing wrong!
What a faker!

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