Surfleet Seas End

Slightly frustrating morning: created tasting sheet for this afternoon's appointment, but then couldn't print it - changed the cartridge, cleaned the heads, deep-cleaned the heads, saved the document as a pdf... but nothing I tried would work... just lines and distorted images, no text... Ah well, abandoned the idea, texted that I was running late, then tested my Brera's capabilities and hence made up the time :O - it's good for Lincolnshire single-carriageway roads full of trucks and "Sunday drivers"!! 
GREAT tasting, once the guest couple relaxed (15 samples helped!!) - enjoyed their company, and they were clearly impressed with the wines... both the regular customers and their friends ordered just under £500, then admitted they'd budgeted for £200 :D
Sadly United couldn't provide the win over City which would have made it the perfect day, but I'll take it... 
View is "cloches" covering field next to the River Glen at Surfleet Seas End where I went for a walk in the beautiful sunshine after the tasting... I believe so called because in Medieval times this is where the sea came up to before farmers, helped by Dutch engineers I believe, drained the coastal marshes - the sea is now several miles of flat fertile land distant. The cloches are probably covering brassicas, though there's plenty of tulips and other flowers grown in the vicinity too... 

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