Waiting For The Train

Took this while waiting for the train tonight.

This was Daughter's first day proper at the ISTA drama festival. Apart from a shaky start, (Train cancelled so she had to get a later one so got to the Conservatoire just as it was starting meaning that she wasn't able to text me to let me know that she had got there alright so I had to phone the organisers to check that she had got there causing her some embarrassment. Ha, she wont forget to text me again) she seems to have had a good time.

She has met a lot of interesting kids and is now working on an American accent as many of the kids are American or attending American schools overseas.

The leader for her Ensemble is an Australian who has studied Japanese Theatre and he will be doing movement with them for the rest of the week.

The biggest complaint is the food so I have been requested to make a packed lunch for her to take tomorrow.

One day down, two to go. The next two are the late finishes.

Roll on Sunday.

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