Bumblebee Pony

Another lovely day.  Mostly sunny all day, with a chilly breeze.  Lovely and light after 6pm now, even a touch of light at 7pm. 

Up fairly early, after a superb night out last night.  I spent most of the morning in the garden, which helped clear the head, and got rid of those pesky weeds.  Met up with friend Julie in the afternoon for walkies, and also popped by the Nesting Scrapstore.  Mam and dad came over this evening, and then big Brian and Madeline on the back of them.  More walkies with Sammy, and then an early night. 

Having been a wet year so far, walkies are still mostly along the roadside.  As we walked along, some ponies came charging over, they needed to investigate the dogs.  This pony had some beautiful colours, the blacks and almost ginger coat was striking in the sunshine.  Sadly, she just looked on, and wouldn't cooperate for a decent photo, but had a  look like bumblebee stripes on her.  Taken next to the community hall, South Nesting.  

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