
I did manage to fulfil my weekend plan today: placing this week's arrivals. Four flowers, a covered bird feeder and rain catchers have all been located around the garden. Not sure if they are in their final locations but I am happy with them for now and hope that the birds will find them too. 

Bailey took advantage of the sunshine, not only whilst I was out there but whilst I worked. A few minor jobs, prep for the week and some Year 11 marking were ticked off with the back door open for the first time this year. The actual temperature revealed its bite when I decided we'd walk the biggest block this afternoon whilst it was still bright. Hats and gloves are not to be discarded quite yet. 

And tonight a very worthy winner on The Great Pottery Throw Down. 

Just realised that one of those blip-coincidences has occurred: one year ago, I located another item in the garden. 

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