Glasses Rule, OK?
An advert for Specsavers with not one contact lens between us. This is daughter #2 and my two grand daughters. Their big brother also keeps Specsavers in business but their little brother has always been specs free.
It was a great day for the Meadows Marathon, cold but sunny. If you didn’t fancy running round the Meadows 18 times to complete a marathon, there were shorter runs available. I can’t even begin to think how boring 18 circuits must be, it smacks of a hamster on a wheel type of situation. But all day there have been disparate bands of people running and jogging past my window. Of elite runners, saw I none.
After my customery Sunday coffee gathering when the caffeine had hit the energy spot, I cleared the patio of all the dead leaves that had blown in since the last time it was done. It’s a constant battle to keep the place clear but with little wind today it was easier than sometimes it is.
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