In The Club

My Dear Princess and Dear Friends,

I may have mentioned before that Shenée and Craig like to tease each other. I should qualify that. Craig loves to tease Shenée and, despite her protestations, Shenée clearly LOVES being teased.

It was a few months ago I heard about "Boy's Club". From what I understand it involves Craig and all of Shenée's plushies doing fun things together when she is out. 

So while we were travelling around Auckland last year, Craig was sending Shenée images of all her favourite plushies lined up on the couch. Accompanied by a text which read, "We're watching Dangerous Liaisons* - BOY'S CLUB!!"

Shenée rises to the bait beautifully. I'd hear her on the phone saying, "NOOOOOOO Craig!!! No Boy's Club! Nooooooo!!"

In the subsequent months, Craig expanded Boy's Club to include me ("No Stoffy! NO BOY'S CLUB!") and even their toilet "Toily" is part of the club. 

But Shenée is still banned from joining. ("NOOOOOOO!!!")

Yesterday Boy's Club went to see "The Batman" at the cinema. This included Mo, Craig, Jefe, me and Manda who is still part of Boy's Club even though she is a girl. Hey, we're not sexist.

I have to say that I was unimpressed with the movie and was annoyed at myself by getting sucked in by trailers that showed ALL the good bits. The general tone of the group was, "meh" although I think Manda liked it more than the rest of us.

Afterward we went to "The Tasting Room" for beer 'n' burgers where this picture was taken. Naturally Craig sent it to Shenée (#boysclub) who responded by DEFACING our image as shown above. I quite like the fact that she gave me a little green beard, even if they do kind of look like bollocks.

Afterward, Craig drove me to the station and we chatted about Shenée. He really cares about her and was grateful for the friendship Caro and I have given her during the last few difficult months. I am equally grateful to them for their friendship. We all support each other. 

Boy's Club is part of his caring for her of course. She can protest all she likes, but I know she loves this game. 

I got home around 11pm to rejoin The Kitten Club with Caro, Jasper and Dr. Girlfriend awaiting me in the lounge. It looked like they had been having a GREAT time without me. 



* A film Shenée has desperate to see for a while. 

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