Awe...can I come in and play with Murdo?

The friendliest cat in the world. It belongs to next door. Graybow. A lovely animal. When you pick him up he just goes all floppy, do you remember back in the day when they thought it was a good idea to sell milk in plastic bags? Well handling him is a bit like that. He'd happily come into the house, we have to watch leaving doors and some windows open.

Murdo, our dog however has a zero tolerance policy when it comes to felines (to be honest you could add crows, Border Terriers, rabbits, squirrels, old men with walking sticks, and prams to the list) Pretty sure I'd be on the list too were it not for me getting dog food at the supermarket (he can never remember his pin number). At the sight of Graybow in the garden he goes nuts - imagine a Tasmanian Devil with a chilli pepper stuck up the arse.

The cat however displays an imperturbable sangfroid as he saunters off giving him the tail raised one eye.

Off to a local craft fair where a fellow blipper has a stall (nadinepierce). Nice to meet again. Her stall had prime spot and she was too busy to get a decent blether, so that looked promising. Purchases were made. A wander around the other stalls - a new micro brewery has opened up just over the canal from us. A case of assorted were bought, they will get rigorously tested.

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