
I'm trying to get hillwalking fit again, we've done so little in the last 2 years, and decided to go up to Loch Brandy. The original plan was a clockwise high level circuit but when we got to the loch there was a strong and bitterly cold wind and we didn't feel we were dressed enough to cope with that.
Instead we walked along the shore at the open edge of the corrie and it was well worth it. 
The first gem was these iced up rocks, a bit further on a bay with ice floes (extras), then a view across a frozen inlet and the loch to the cliffs we didn't visit the tops of (extras) and then 9 whooper swans who took off, with difficulty into the wind, as we approached. I would have had a pic of them, too, except the cold drained the not-very-charged camera battery and it was too cold to take my gloves off to replace it - so you'll just have to imagine them. Finally a white mountin hare and a different way down.
Not a very long walk but well worth it on a loely sunny day which had warmth out of the sun.
Back h ome for a late lunch and then I burnt some papers and garden rubbish in the incinerator - my hands still smell of smoke despite several washes and a shower!

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