Ukulele Band

We went into Oakham this morning to the market to get some fruit and the local radio were there broadcasting , I think. And a little ukulele band were playing in the market cross it sounded very good. This  lady saw me taking a picture and I got this lovely smile.
From there we went onto Geoff Hamilton’s garden and had a quick walk around as the weather is pretty bad again cold wind and rain.
We went into the cafe and had our favourite bacon and egg sandwich.
We were just finishing when 2 caravan friends who live in the area came in and we had a good old natter for an hour while they had lunch. We haven’t seen them for over a year.
Then back to the caravan in the warm.

A big thank you to all my lovely Blip friends for all your lovely hearts, stars and comments that put my anniversary picture onto page one of the popular pages not something that happens to me very often

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