More stamps

I normally just blip the stamps, but decided this time, to add the copy of Road Runner magazine that was in the envelope.

The club was established in 1952. B joined in 1974 when we moved to Lossiemouth and has been a member ever since. He has kept the first magazine that he received, issue number 82, plus  a copy of the Fell Runner which he belonged to during our time in Scotland. Our move to Lincolnshire put a stop to the fell running so his membership of that club lapsed. (In extras)

It has been interesting looking back through the magazines and remembering the characters that raced within Scotland and the hours I spent standing on wet, windy hill sides and roads helping with recording and other volunteer roles. 

A weird day. Trip to the GP practice for B to do part 2 of his annual check with the nurse. A shambles!! He was asked not to have any hot drinks before going ….. why….no idea, as nothing was done. I went in with him to see if I could understand what was happening and even I was confused !!! 

I spent a lot of settee time doing FaceTime chats. 2 hrs with A ( Max and Annie were at school) catching up on the news since Christmas. An initial 30 mins with R during the afternoon, she had landed at Heathrow at 7.30am and was home by midday. She was flagging to say the least, so we stopped for her to have a rest and continued after dinner. 

Rather too much sitting about time, exacerbated by the fact that it has rained all day. My only outdoor time was to stock up the bird feeders and I got wet doing that!! 

Productivity was limited to my knitting. Back and sides have been done, I’m working on the first sleeve now.

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