Sprout lover

By robharris35

Kindred spirit

I enjoyed the office announcement that came around about a new colleague, Natália, which proclaimed that she likes to passar o tempo sozinha (spend time alone). I cheered for this kindred spirit in a world where people who like their own company are often seen as defective for wanting to turn down social events.

I flew back to Maputo, and the plane circled over the area to the south of Maputo Bay where various rivers converge. I waited in front of the terminal where the interactions can often be random, especially in a masked world. ‘Excuse me, is your name Victor?’ asked someone.

As I clambered into Paulo’s txopela, he confirmed that I was looking cheio (full), whilst doing the classic physical impression of someone who has bulked up. Cheers for the welcome, Paulo. He’s got a good point to be fair, after all the South African burgers.

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